I don't go easy
Though it is far more interesting than most of the stick animations I've seen (considering this one isn't what I've seen thousands of times over in the past week), there are a few notable issues that you should be more careful about in the future. On a side note, it still isn't the most original idea out there, but has the chance to stand out above the rest. Just add more to it.
First being the resizing of your stickfigure. Try to keep him the same size throughout the entire animation or at least provide a reason (say, mushroom) for him all of a sudden becoming bigger. If there is no reason, don't resize him.
Another point is the lack of any opposition or conflict for this fellow stickfigure. I'm not saying other stickfigures try to kill him, I'm saying traps or obstacles that don't simply require him to climb or jump over to stand in his way. It adds that little bit extra
Not only that, but for a nimble guy as you demonstrated, it would seem he could just leap off the wall by the treasure chest without ever having to press that button. Just a little technical error within the animation. When he jumps off the wall to get on the ramp, he reaches about the same height he would have needed to vault off the wall on the opposite side, reaching the chest.
Background could use a little more work rather than plain gray. Why not add some character to it, for example a window or bricks to show it being a wall.
At times, the run cycle is fantastic, while others it looks sloppy and three framed. Try to maintain consistency with your micro animations
If it helps any, do the motion of the action you are trying to replicate yourself and simply observe what it looks like. Then go and animate it (just, not jumping from building to building, that may not end well)